My Plans for the Next Few Months

The last few months have been busy with helping run the last BarCampDC, interviewing and getting my current job as “Web Content Accessibility Manager” (big fancy title) for ARMY.MIL, and a bunch of other things.

BarCamp and AccessibilityCamp

In the near future I’m looking into when we might have the next BarCampDC, along with contemplating, doing an Accessibility Camp here in Washington, DC. I saw a twitter a few weeks ago about a group in San Antonio, TX, that did an accessibility camp.

We have started talking with the powers that be about getting a venue for the next BarCampDC, which we are thinking of doing in May or June. Hopefully we can get even more people to come out and enjoy the fun of BarCamp and maybe even give a talk on what they are passionate about. I’m going to try and get some more information about dates and locations for both events early next week before heading to Austin, TX, for SXSWi.

The other event I’m thinking of trying here in DC, is an Accessibility camp, which will probably be a lot smaller, with only two, maybe three rooms, depending on the number of people interested in attending. This one could go either way, meaning that a ton of people will want to come or just a dozen or two, I will have to wait an see.

The first item of the other three I need to start back working on once I’m back from SXSWi is a whole bunch of blog posts further explaining slides from my “Is Your Website Accessibile? If not, practical ways to make it so.” presentation.

Adding Video to Posts

The next item on the list would be to start using Clearleft‘s SilverBack application to create a bunch of tutorials explaining and showing how to use things like JAWS, other accessibility coding issues, and additional information for my blog posts. Silverback is spontaneous, unobtrusive usability testing software for designers and developers, uses the Apple iSight to record the person and all their movements and clicks on the screen. Seems to me to be a great way to create tutorials.


The final project would be to finish the two applications that I have been working on for the last year or so off and on. The two applications are an accessible version of and a wine inventory system. It will be a way for me to learn both PHP and MySQL, along with creating more real world examples of how to do coding, using web standards and making your web application accessible.

What is everyone else looking to do in the next few months, especially after getting all pumped up after SXSWi?

3 thoughts on “My Plans for the Next Few Months

  1. I would love to take part in an accessibility camp. I also look forwardto the next BarCampDC ofcourse. Have fun in SXSW. See you at the next Refresh event.

  2. Hey John! Haven’t seen you since BarCampDC and I’m a bit late but wanted to say congrats on the new position. If you’re ever looking for input on Flash accessibility and CC on web video hit me up!

    – f

  3. @Russell I’m always looking for to help with any of the Camp’s.

    @Fred once we nail down BarCamp I’m going to start looking into venues for Accessibility Camp for the fall (?) and would look forward to a nice talk on Flash accessibility and/or Closed Captioning for videos.

    I figure we need to have a bunch of talks ready to do, in case we get a lot of people coming to learn and not present. I can do my practical web accessibility talk, William (@v) probably can talk about PDF accessibility, plus I want to work on WCAG 2.0, WAI-ARIA, etc. talks.

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