About Us (H3)

General Website Information (H4)

Below you will find a quick write-up about me that contains Microformats (vCard) that you can use if you want to or just remove it and write up information about yourself, company, etc.

You have found your way to the website of John F Croston III, an accessibility advocate and web developer from the Washington, DC area. My current job is the "Web Accessibility Manger" for the United States Army - ARMY.MIL.

In this section of the website you probably want to add a bunch of text about your website or the product or service your have.

You might even list a few things about your self or said product that you have built.

Created this e-mail address and twitter account so if you have any questions about the accessible templates you have a way to get answers. It might take a few days to get back to you, but will try and check this e-mail address and Twitter account a few times a week.

The next section is a list of all the different type pages you might want to have for your website and there are many more not listed, along with it being an example of how to set-up an ordered list (OL) and an un-ordered list (UL).

  1. About
  2. Accessibility
  3. Blog
  4. Book recommendations
  5. Links to references I have found valuable and useful
  6. Portfolio Work
  7. Things I've Learned
  8. Tools/Applications I've built or in the process of building
  9. Presentations

I enjoy web development a great deal. To accomplish my daily job I use some of the following languages, processes, and skills. Again more detail about me.

  • CSS
  • Web Standards
  • Microformats
  • Accessibility
  • ASP
  • SQL
  • Tables only if I have to for tabular data
  • Validators for HTML, CSS, 508, etc.

More general information about me and an example of different things you might have on your website.

In my spare time I enjoy cooking, great wine, photography, hiking, and a lot more. Most of the books read now a days are mostly technical an related to the web, XHTML, CSS, Microformats, web standards, and accessibility.

Please stop back and see what changes have been made. I plan on using the blog to post what I have changed here, on the blog and any other web related items I might have or find.